REMINGTON - Copper Ammunition vs Lead
Hunters across America are increasingly choosing copper ammo for their firearms. If you’re considering hunting with copper rifle ammunition vs your go-to lead bullets, you might be asking, what’s the difference between hunting with copper vs lead ammo?
HIGHCOUNTRY NEWS - To protect eagles, hunters and conservationists rebuild old alliances
Evidence of the toxic effects of lead ammunition on wildlife spurs a search for common ground.
WYOFILE - Citing health, environment, hunters shun lead ammunition
WYOFILE - A biologist who has helped rescue dozens of raptors poisoned by lead bullet fragments in game carcasses seeks to educate, not regulate, hunters.
THE NEW YORK TIMES - After Mounting a Comeback, Eagles Face a New Threat
Study of hundreds of bald eagles and golden eagles show that nearly half of them had chronic lead poisoning.
FOX 13 SLC - Group educates, encourages hunters to use lead-free ammo
For generations, hunters have used lead ammo, but a new group is trying to spread the word about lead-free ammo to help protect the environment and wildlife from lead poisoning.
CBS NEWS - How hunters can aid the California condor's comeback
While the reappearance of condors in our skies is certainly a success story, the endangered birds are still struggling. Researchers eventually learned why.
MY COUNTRY 95.5 - Hunters want to take the lead out of Wyoming Hunting
The a Wyoming based organization associated is trying to raise enough awareness to get people to think twice before using lead.
THE FILLMORE GAZETTE - Feeding the Birds and Making Sense of Non- Lead Ammunition
Making the switch to non-lead provides a clean source of food for condors and other scavenging raptors that frequent the area.