HIGHCOUNTRY NEWS - To protect eagles, hunters and conservationists rebuild old alliances
Evidence of the toxic effects of lead ammunition on wildlife spurs a search for common ground.
WYOFILE - Citing health, environment, hunters shun lead ammunition
WYOFILE - A biologist who has helped rescue dozens of raptors poisoned by lead bullet fragments in game carcasses seeks to educate, not regulate, hunters.
THE NEW YORK TIMES - After Mounting a Comeback, Eagles Face a New Threat
Study of hundreds of bald eagles and golden eagles show that nearly half of them had chronic lead poisoning.
FOX 13 SLC - Group educates, encourages hunters to use lead-free ammo
For generations, hunters have used lead ammo, but a new group is trying to spread the word about lead-free ammo to help protect the environment and wildlife from lead poisoning.
CBS NEWS - How hunters can aid the California condor's comeback
While the reappearance of condors in our skies is certainly a success story, the endangered birds are still struggling. Researchers eventually learned why.
MY COUNTRY 95.5 - Hunters want to take the lead out of Wyoming Hunting
The a Wyoming based organization associated is trying to raise enough awareness to get people to think twice before using lead.
CASPER STAR TRIBUNE - Group encourages use of lead-free ammo, tackle
A Wyoming hunting group, wants to prove the value of switching ammo and tackle to local sportsmen and women. The group hopes to reduce lead consumed inadvertently by people and wildlife and show the positives of choosing tackle and ammo that doesn’t poison the environment.
DULUTH NEWS TRIBUNE - Long-term monitoring shows 7% of Minnesota venison laced with toxic lead
Ten years of monitoring donated venison in Minnesota have found that more than 7% of deer meat contains toxic lead fragments from bullets.
THE WILLIAMS LAKE TRIBUNE - Rescued bald eagle that came to life in 100 Mile man’s car had lead poisoning
A bald eagle rescued from the side of Highway 97 last week was suffering from lead poisoning.