A conservation partner is an organization or company that publicly supports Sporting Lead-Free’s mission and messaging.
Interested In becoming a Conservation Partner? Contact us:
Logo displayed on SLF conservation page of website
Opportunity to feature relevant items in our online store
Mentions on social media and in the seasonal newsletter
Opportunity to co-sponsor events
Co-tabling opportunities
Access to a network of hunters and anglers across the US
Publicly endorse the SLF organization and mission
Actively share SLF information
Help cultivate new connections to further SLF's mission
Example Ways to Support:
Share posts on social media
Donate supplies for local events or giveaways
Open conversations with other industry partners
Share opportunities to table at a local events
Engage with your local audience about SLF's mission
Encourage your constituents to become free members of SLF
A meaningful donation to support SLF is encouraged
By filling out the form, you confirm your organization's interest in becoming a Sporting Lead-Free Conservation Partner. If approved, this will include submitting the organization’s logo for publication on the SLF outreach materials and website. A meaningful donation to support SLF is encouraged.