Debunking Copper vs. Lead with Sporting Lead-Free
CASPER STAR TRIBUNE - Group encourages use of lead-free ammo, tackle
A Wyoming hunting group, wants to prove the value of switching ammo and tackle to local sportsmen and women. The group hopes to reduce lead consumed inadvertently by people and wildlife and show the positives of choosing tackle and ammo that doesn’t poison the environment.
DULUTH NEWS TRIBUNE - Long-term monitoring shows 7% of Minnesota venison laced with toxic lead
Ten years of monitoring donated venison in Minnesota have found that more than 7% of deer meat contains toxic lead fragments from bullets.
GEAR JUNKIE - Eagle Poisoned to Death: A Hunter’s Call for Unleaded Ammo
Lead-based ammunition leaves behind residues in carcasses that are toxic to golden eagles and other species. Hunters can make a difference by choosing non-lead alternatives.
THE WILLIAMS LAKE TRIBUNE - Rescued bald eagle that came to life in 100 Mile man’s car had lead poisoning
A bald eagle rescued from the side of Highway 97 last week was suffering from lead poisoning.
THE MINER - Outdoors Briefs: Arizona Game and Fish Department asks hunters to use non-lead ammo to help save condors
Arizona hunters are being asked to help reduce lead exposure for endangered California condors by using free non-lead ammo.
RAVALLI REPUBLIC - From the Teller: Golden Eagles are impressive predators
Working on a wildlife refuge often provides a glimpse of how unforgiving nature is when it comes to predator-prey relationships.
ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH NEWS - Exempt from inspection: States ignore lead-contaminated meat in food banks
Hunter-donated meat provides crucial protein to US food banks. But an EHN investigation found a lack of oversight that could result in potentially hundreds of thousands of lead-contaminated meals this year.
ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH NEWS - Lead in hunted meat: Who’s telling hunters and their families?
Despite the mounting concerns over lead exposure from wild game, lead ammunition use continues as hunters and their families remain unaware or deeply mistrustful of the dangers.
PROJECT UPLAND - The Science Behind Lead Shot and the Effects on Upland Birds
If the topic of climate change affects people’s blood pressure, you can bet that the discussion of lead shot will do it, too.