Meet Ambassador Zach

I spent my formative years hunting the sagebrush prairie surrounding Sheridan, Wyoming, where I grew up shooting steel at a number of upland species. On occasion, I was lucky enough to shoot over a pointing English setter (thanks Brian!). As a kid, I used what I was given -- it wasn't until I got older that I learned why I was routinely using steel shot. I linked up with the Teton Raptor Center for volunteer work when I first moved to Jackson, Wyoming. They had me caring for birds that had landed in rehabilitation for a number of reasons, one of which was exposure to lead. I'd seen first hand what lead poisoning does to a raptor, and that image is enough to reinforce my decision to eschew lead.

As a Sporting Lead-Free Ambassador, I take the opportunity to talk to my hunting and fishing buddies about the unintended consequences of using lead. Change begins with education and while I'm no good at talking about ballistics and such, most people are willing to have a conversation about cause and effect. And, if you're hunting with me, I will always share my 20ga steel shells with you -- yes, that's an invitation! I've also revisited my fly fishing bag, choosing lead free alternatives for split shot and weighted flies where possible. If we choose to buy lead free alternatives, more will become available (I think that's how capitalism works?). I am honored to be part of this cohort and I look forward to learning from the SLF team and Ambassadors to bolster my own knowledge and experiences.


“Coq Sauvage au Vin”: A Wild Twist on a French Classic


SLF Is Growing!